Monday, August 12, 2013

FGL Summer School 2013, VISIT US!

 Tohoku University’s summer school, “Future Global Leadership Program, Tohoku University Summer School 2013: VISIT US!” was held From August 5 to 7. It was a three-day program for high school teachers and prospective students, and nine high schools from six countries (Indonesia, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Singapore and Thailand) participated in this event.

 During this program, participants received detailed information not only on aspects of studying in Japan and academic courses offered through the FGL courses of Tohoku University, but also achievements made by students who graduated from participating high schools. Prospective students also learnt about the process for applying for the FGL courses.

 Participants toured many laboratories of each campus (AMC for Katahira, AMB for Amamiya, and IMAC-U for Aobayama), and were given access to the latest technology available at Tohoku University. They also enjoyed Japanese culture by experiencing Ikebana—Japanese flower arrangement—and visiting Rinnoji—a Japanese temple founded in 1441. 

 This year, the event is being held for the second time. Hopefully it will lead to the recruitment of bright students from a wide variety of countries, like last year.