Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Classroom Visitation

Since the fall semester is almost over, we visited some classes to see the professors and students in January.  At some classes, the atmosphere was very relaxed, while at others students seemed more eager to listen to what their professors were saying.

In the “Linear Algebra” class, Prof. Igor Trushin was teaching ardent students who were working as hard as possible to prepare for an exam.  The class was mixed, with both international and Japanese students, so there were almost 30 people in the classroom. 

At Professor S.N. Jehan’s class on Economics, there were plenty of smiles when he was talking about business management.  One of his questions towards students was, “is it possible to be a good leader and manager at the same time?”  One student who responded to the question gave the opinion that Steve Jobs was a good leader but not a good manager. However, it might be difficult to find someone with both abilities.

The official vacation period starts on February 12th.  Hopefully all students will have finished all exams satisfactorily and be able to unwind back in their own countries during spring vacation.